Tror jag va deppig O.o'

Haha, jag läste i en bok från 2010, och jag hittade världens weirdaste text... cX Jag vet inte om det är så att jag bara skrivit den eller om det är från någonting annat, för sånt kmr jag inte ihåg, men jaa... Haha, ni kan ju få det här xD
"And every night i lay alone in my bed and think to my self "Why do I always dream about killings and disasters if I live in a country where nothing is wrong? Why are my hands always red from the blood of another if I've done nothing wrong? Why is the pain of a heart beating always gone if I'm a human? Why am I not doing something to feel like I'm home...?"
The answer is simple. I'm a halflife. I only live to satisfy others with the pain of a body so sore I could end up dying. But I don't, cause I am nothing, so I mean nothing, and no-one would care if I ended up crying. Cause that's who I am. And no-one ever cared about my side of the never ending story. The bloodsucking mankilling demon whos life never meant a thing to others eyes. I, who would soon be found dead lying in my bed with my eyes closed and my arms folded around my teddy. I, who never said a thing about being hit och drowned. I, a human never being heard nor seen by others than my own shadow. Me, a halfliving creature with blood on my body from those who was trying to stop me. I was wrong. I was a little girl in the age of 11 when I first was called whore. When boys squeezed my growing breasts and put their hands on my thighs. Stop, they won't listen. They just go and go and go until I suddenly drop down on the floor with their hands in my own. Blood is pouring out and they scream for hours until they stop and fall down, dead. I've killed them, destroyed their very existence, made a life unliveble, made a mum lose her son, made a sister lose her brother. Gone.
I'm a monster. I've made the impossible possible and got a mothers crying over me. But no-one will ever know my end of the story. I'm dead, my body lays on the ground with this boy inside of me. My body is broken and my teddy is gone. 
I was four years old, and I never got older..."
Hahaha, ojojoj... XD


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